Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Schuylkill County-Why are jobs so low paying in this county

Schuylkill County seems to have some of the lowest paying wages around. While this may be good for employers, one has to wonder how to people get by.

If you talk to anyone who makes a good living they will probably tell you that they work out of the county such as in Berks, Dauphin, or Luzerne County.

It is also a well known fact that many college grads do not return to the area and why should they, no high paying white collar jobs are to be found here.

This all seems to contribute to the financial and social stagnation of the whole area. Look inside the local newspaper, such as The Pottsville Republican & Herald, and you will see most jobs are low paying while high paying jobs are usually in the health care field (caring for an aging population) or couseling services (caring for addicted youth and adults). So, add it all up and it is not hard to see why this area continues to lag behind the rest of the state and the country for that matter.

It should also be noted that a lot of individuals cannot speak, read, or write english.

What a poor shithole of a place. Then again where can you buy a house for $8,000 to $10,000.